Monday, July 31, 2006
Great finds of the week-end
Here is what I got from there:
Swap - Part 2
Another 2 cute craft books for my collection! The First Book, Interior Hand Made Book, shows various diy projects for the home. The second book is about crochet projects. I have never really tried crochet so this is a first for me! Thanks so much Ryoko!It was so thoughful of you.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Some swaps!
I came by Anjali's blog via Gimme Your Stuff. I was drooling looking at Anjali's swaps. I contacted her and we agreed on doing a swap. The swap has started already. Anjali received my package a few days ago and has written a lovely post on her blog! Thanks Anjali! I am yet to receive hers.. oh boy, the excitment is building up!
And there's also my new friend Ryoko from Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan. I was a very lucky girl. This is what I received from her:
The cutest Cotton Time book and some lovely stickers. Wait! there's more to come in the post! Thanks so much Ryoko! You got it spot on!
ISBN 4-391-62050-2 for the Japanese craft book addicts!
This is what I sent to Ryoko:
Fabrics, vintage trims, hankie, postards from NY, French craft magazine, some sweets and some Laura Ashley stationery.
Ryoko and I decided to carry on and treat ourselves to monthly swaps!
Don't you just love the internet?!!
Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer sur internet 2 correspondantes au Japon prêtes à faire un échange!
Tout d'abord, Anjali que j'ai rencontrée par l'intermédiare du blog Gimme Your Stuff. Je l'ai contactée et nous avons décidé de faire un échange! Elle a reçu mon paquet il y a quelques jours. Elle a d'ailleurs écrit un billet très sympa sur son blog et je l'en remercie! Je n'ai pas encore reçu son colis mais l'attend avec impatience!!
J'ai aussi rencontré Ryoko qui habite a Hokkaido, un des iles au nord du Japon. J'ai recu un adorable livre japonais ainsi que des auto-collants. Ce n'est pas fini, il parait qu'autre chose va arriver! Merci Ryoko, c'est vraiment très gentil à toi!
Ryoko et moi avons décidé de nous faire plaisir et de continuer nos envois!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
About me..
Il est temps me presenter! J'ai realisé ce montage à partir de photos de mon mariage prise l'an dernier, des photos de New York (en février lors du blizzard, en mai à Central Park et une superbe vue de Manhattan prise du New Jersey) ainsi que des photos de Santa Monica en Californie, ou j'habite maintenant.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
New Banner
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Liberty Prints
Here is a sample of very cute prints:
Precious find
Cette vieille malle est une de mes plus belles trouvailles. Je l'ai dégotée chez un antiquaire lors de vacances en France. Elle est tapissée d'un très joli papier a fleurs. Elle m'a suivie dans tous mes déménagements, de Londres à New York, jusqu'à Los Angeles!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Gimme Your Stuff!
I discovered this blog Gimme Your Stuff a few weeks ago. It is a great place to find people from all over the world willing to swap any kinds of products.
I have already started a swap with Anjali.. It was so fun to put a package together. Pictures to follow...!
I am a French expat living in California so I can get pretty much get anything from here as well as in France.
Things I can offer:
- Fabrics
- Buttons
- Trims
- French, US magazines
- Sweets
- Ask me!
Things I'd love to get:
- Japanese craft books/magazines
- Trims from Japan, Portugal, Spain or France
- Cute fabrics
Great finds of the week-end
Here is what I got for a few bucks: some gorgeous silk fabric in blue, ivory and champagne color, a vintage plate (for my mum's collection), and an assortment of buttons.