Wednesday, November 15, 2006

From France ♥

♥ These beauties came in my letter box a few days ago. Vintage silk floss :o
The colours are so vibrant. I think I will use them to embroider bridal pillows and silk brooches.
Ces petites merveilles sont arrivées de France il y a quelques jours. Des échevaux de fil de soie anciens que j'utiliserai peut-être pour des coussins d'alliance ou broches en soie.

♥ Also came in the post, my favourite French craft magazine: Broderie et Couture. I was a bit surprised by the lack of Christmas projects. They will probably be featured in the next issue due in December. On the other hand, Marie Claire Idées is full of Christmas projects! I also got some vintage sewing patterns. That will hopefully motivate me to loose a few inches around my waist as there's no way I would fit in one of!
M'est aussi parvenu mon magazine préféré: Idées Broderie et Couture. J'ai été surprise de ne pas voir de projets de Noël, d'autant plus que la prochaine édition ne sortira pas avant décembre. Je me rattraperai avec le Marie Claire Idées qui lui ne manquent pas de projets! 2 patrons de robes des années 50. Pour le printemps prochain.. ca dépendra de ma taille de guêpe.. mdr! un gros bisou à ma maman pour les envois!

♥ An article featuring handmade baubles caught my eyes. Every year, I try to add a few more handmade baubles to my collection. Vintage ones are hard to come by. I found these 3 large one at the Rose Bowl Flea market a while go. They are extremely fragile. Unfortunately, one of them got smashed. I did my best to put the pieces back together. I just couldn't get myself to throw it away!

Here is a sample of the projects featured on the Marie Claire Idées that I liked:

Beautiful Christmas wrapping ideas.

I like the organic feel of the fabric
ornaments.. and the cute bunnies!

Better go now and get the tea ready for the Knitting Party!
Je vous laisse car j'ai mon Tricot Thé dans une heure!